Yacht Salvage, Boat Yards, Towing, Surveyors
Thanks for taking the time to visit HARBOR SHOPPERS and your interest in our yacht salvage, parts and auctions!
We have put together a list of potential boat yards, salvage and towing people, and yacht transport companies that you may need to contact one or all to get your boat where you want it to be or secure.
If your boat is already on the hard…bonus!
Nanny Cay Boat Yard on Tortola, This is typically where a lot of our yachts go to be hauled out. It is pretty full and I have heard lately they are not accepting new boats, but give them a try.
Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbour on Virgin Gorda in the BVI: +1 284-495-5500
Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbour
Independent Boat Yard on St Thomas is also hauling and storing boats.
Independent Boat Yard
Sub Base on St Thomas is our floating dock haul out for the big boats.
Sub Base St Thomas
Palmas Del Mar Boat yard on the East Coast of Puerto Rico is also an option.
Palmas Del Mar Boatyard
If you need to get hurricane damaged boats for sale bvi from where it is TO one of the yards or to a place to ship it, then we have two salvage companies in the British Virgin Islands doing work.
First of all, talk to Chris Juredin at Commercial Dive BVI chris@commercialdivebvi.com Ph # 1 284 542 2705
They can hot patch, float, tow, dive whatever you want. The last I was told, give or take, salvaging and floating work is about $350 per hour depending on the circumstances.
Commercial Dive BVI
You can also try Kevin Rowlette at Husky Towing and Yacht Salvage He can provide similar services, both Chris and Kevin have a bit different equipment then each other for various jobs.
Husky Towing and Yacht Salvage
Kevin and Chris are also a good source for things like masts etc as they salvaged so many boats after the hurricanes.
If you want to get your boat out of the Territory: Get it hot patched enough to tow to Dockwise or Seven Seas location where they load cargos ships and take them out. I know there is a sailing in March.
Here is the link to Dock Wise
Here is the link to Seven Seas
Seven Seas Virgin islands
If they can leave on their own bottom with some work on Tortola then do that.
Haulouts for the big boats, some can be hauled in Puerto Del Ray in Fajardo Puerto Rico, or the Dominican Republic, or SXM
If you have/had the money or skill level, hire someone or fly someone in or spend time yourself getting your boat fixed up enough to leave.
Many of the crewed charter yachts in the territory have been taken out to Antigua, the Grenadines, Florida, St Lucia etc to be hauled out.
Will Howe
Michael Hirst
Bill Bailey
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