Chlorine dosing unit
22 Oct

Chlorine dosing units now available!

Chlorine Dosing Head Systems

Chlorine dosing unit

Bazza has created and built automatic chlorine dosing units that treat your holding tank to Class C and allows you to dump in most places. A predetermined small dose of chlorine will go in each time someone flushes a head. Everything is done electronically. The environment and your charter guests will love you.

chlorine dosing unit

These are very small, and very inexpensive compared to others on the market. We have sold some that are allowed to be used in Commercial No dump zones in Australia.

I will have some with me at the boat shows in November if anyone wants information on it, but for technical info, best to contact him on #h2omarineservices #chlorinedosing

automatic chlorine dosing units

automatic chlorine units


automatic chlorine dosing units


Automatic Chlorine Dosing System- Remarkably small units can fit anywhere!

Remarkably small units can fit anywhere!

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