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Offshore Type1 LifeJacket.  Adult  Used   C4
Off-Shore $30.00
Life Jacket

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Offshore Type1 LifeJacket. Adult Used C4

French Creek Harness 631 Used WW
French Creek Harness 631 Used WW $30.00
Full Body Harness

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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French Creek Harness 631 Used WW

Red Safety Harness & Teather Used WW
Red Safety Harness & Teather Used W... $50.00
Safety Harness & Teather

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Red Safety Harness & Teather Used WW

Lalizas Quick RD New WW
Lalizas Quick RD New WW $40.00
Life Ring

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Lalizas Quick RD New WW

Zodiac 6 Person Zodiac "Coastal" Life Raft
Zodiac $1,000.00
6 Person Zodiac "Coastal" Life Raft

Catherine Yavorsky
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Zodiac 6 Person Zodiac “Coastal” Life Raft

Pro Body Glove Suit LRG
Body Glove Pro L $50.00
Body Glove Wet Suit Large

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Pro Body Glove Suit LRG

Plastimo EVO 165 Auto Inflator PFD (Black)
Plastimo EVO 165 Auto Inflator PFD (Blac... $119.99

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Plastimo EVO 165 Auto Inflator PFD (Black)

SM-2 Strobing Light(New)
SM-2 Strobing Light(New) $200.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas, USVI
SM-2 Strobing Light

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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SM-2 Strobing Light(New)

Immersion suit - I590C
Immersion suit – I590C $75.00

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Immersion suit – I590C

Seachoice Cooler Mounting Kit
Seachoice Cooler Mounting Kit $14.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas, USVI
Seachoice Cooler Mounting Kit

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Seachoice Cooler Mounting Kit

ACR Signal Light WW
ACR Signal Light WW $30.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas 00802, USVI
ACR Signal Light

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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ACR Signal Light WW

Omnitron Carbon Monoxide Detector New WW
Omnitron Carbon Monoxide Detector New WW $25.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas 00802, USVI
Omnitron Carbon Monoxide Detector

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Omnitron Carbon Monoxide Detector New WW

Eveready Lantern Flashlight
Eveready Lantern Flashlight $10.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas 00802, USVI
Everready Lantern Flashligt

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Eveready Lantern Flashlight

ACR Pathfinder 3 Sart WW
ACR Pathfinder 3 Sart WW $75.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas 00802, USVI
ACR Patfinder 3 Sart

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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ACR Pathfinder 3 Sart WW

B ACR Global 343 1920
B ACR Global 343 1920 $2.00
6300 Estate Frydenhoj, St. Thomas 00802, USVI

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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B ACR Global 343 1920

Personal Rescue Knife_MT002
Harness Rescue Tool MT_005 $14.00
Harbor Shoppers, Compass Point Marina St. Thomas, USVI

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Harness Rescue Tool MT_005

Black Motoring Cone 19"
Black Motoring Cone 19″ $20.00
Harbor Shoppers, Compass Point Marina St. Thomas, USVI

Virgin Islands St. Thomas Store
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Black Motoring Cone 19″

Passenger safety Equipment and why it’s needed

Being out on the water is a favorite thing for many people, especially the ones who live near a water body that can be navigated. There are personal vessels that people use for their leisure and recreation. These can be seen in all parts of the world, and many activities are related to them.

In some cases, the boat or vessel could be meant for commercial services that involve passengers. We have all seen situations where the vessel is intended to carry passengers across. Others are meant for tours and day trips on water bodies. Regardless of what the boat is meant for, you need to have adequate passenger safety equipment on board.

Why you need passenger safety equipment

The reason why you need such safety equipment is that it is a requirement by many coast guard rules. It is also because there are so many unknown probabilities out in the open water. The boat could fail and capsize, a storm could hit you, and the boat could break down, and so on. It is also possible that you are taking the passengers to places where they can engage in activities such as snorkeling or deep water diving. This requires even more safety measures to be made. Passenger safety equipment comes in handy in all situations that involve passengers.

Boats may be used for a variety of things. It could be a day cruise, an overnight cruise, a cruise taking a couple of weeks or months, diving, skiing, wake surfing, or fishing venture. The truth is that different people are attracted to different things on the water. Every activity has its hazards, and they ought to be taken seriously so that the appropriate measures are considered to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

The essential passenger safety equipment

While there are so many things that ought to be considered. Some basics are a must-have. These are the things that could get you into trouble if you were caught without by the coast guards in your area. One thing to remember when you have the safest gear on board is to have it inspected periodically without fail. This is a way that ensures that it remains in the best working order. The kind of items you have onboard depend mainly on the size and type of vessel that you are using, and it is better to find out instead of getting into unnecessary trouble with the authorized body.

The passenger’s safety equipment includes:

  • Wearable floatation devices also called PFDs and life jackets.

If you have people onboard your vessel, they should have access to a wearable life jacket. This must be available to everyone. If you want to tow a skier or if there is a wake surfer just behind your boat, they should also have the PFD. If an emergency happens, you should ensure that everyone around you has life jackets. You may also recommend that your passenger get the jackets at the dock before heading out into the water.

  • The throwable devices for floating

Apart from life jackets, there is a need to have floating devices. This is thrown out to individuals when on the water in case an issue arises, or a passenger goes overboard. It can be in the form of a ring buoy, a cushion, or any device that can help in such a situation. Some of the items are connected to a line that can be used to pull out the passenger from the water.

  • Fire extinguishers

When it comes to extinguishers, there are different ratings and kinds that you can pick. However, you need to make sure that you keep it as simple as you possibly can. Different specifications are required for different boat sizes, and you should adhere to this.

  • Devices for visual signaling

Passenger safety equipment also includes devices used for visual signaling. These are visual distress signals, and they come in different packages and requirements. If the boat happens to be less than 16ft, it needs to have nighttime signals or flares. The boat that is over 16 needs to have visual signals for night and day use at all times. Aerial night flares are quite common. Other devices required at night include strobe lights.

  • Devices for sound signaling

Sound attracts help during the night and day. It is especially useful in cases where there is fog.

Where you buy passenger safety equipment

It is always essential to get passenger safety equipment that is of high quality. You can check the variety available at harbor shoppers and match it with the kind of needs that the vessel has. You can get medical kits, anchor lines, bailing device or bucket, paddles, or oars in case the engine fails, cellphone, VHF radio, knife, snorkel mask flashlight, and skier flag, among others.

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